// Given a string and a set of characters, return the shortest substring containing all the characters in the set.
// For example, given the string "figehaeci" and the set of characters{ a, e, i }, you should return "aeci".
// If there is no substring containing all the characters in the set, return null.
// Check out this solution for a better explanation:
// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-the-smallest-window-in-a-string-containing-all-characters-of-another-string/
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const int no_of_chars = 256;
string getShortestSubStr(string str, string pat)
int len1 = str.length();
int len2 = pat.length();
// substring must be longer than the pattern
if (len1 < len2)
return "";
int hash_pat[no_of_chars] = { 0 };
int hash_str[no_of_chars] = { 0 };
// store occurrence of characters of pattern
for (int i = 0; i < len2; i++)
int start = 0;
int start_index = -1;
int min_len = INT_MAX;
// start traversing the string
int count = 0; // count of characters
for (int j = 0; j < len1; j++)
// count occurrence of characters of string
// If string's char matches with pattern's char
// then increment count
if (hash_pat[str[j]] != 0 &&
hash_str[str[j]] <= hash_pat[str[j]])
// if all the characters are matched
if (count == len2)
// Try to minimize the window i.e., check if
// any character is occurring more no. of times
// than its occurrence in pattern, if yes
// then remove it from starting and also remove
// the useless characters.
while (hash_str[str[start]] > hash_pat[str[start]]
|| hash_pat[str[start]] == 0)
if (hash_str[str[start]] > hash_pat[str[start]])
// update window size
int len_window = j - start + 1;
if (min_len > len_window)
min_len = len_window;
start_index = start;
// If no window found
if (start_index == -1)
cout << "no substring found" << endl;
return "";
// Return substring starting from start_index and length min_len
return str.substr(start_index, min_len);
int main()
string str = "figehaeci";
string chars = "aei";
cout << "Shortest Substring: \n" << getShortestSubStr(str, chars);
return 0;