// Given an N by M matrix consisting only of 1's and 0's, find the largest rectangle containing only 1's and return its area.
// For example, given the following matrix :
// [[1, 0, 0, 0],
// [1, 0, 1, 1],
// [1, 0, 1, 1],
// [0, 1, 0, 0]]
// Return 4.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int getMaxArea(vector<vector<int>> matrix, int rowIndex)
// Create an empty stack. The stack holds indexes of
// hist[] array/ The bars stored in stack are always
// in increasing order of their heights.
stack<int> result;
vector<int> row = matrix[rowIndex];
int top_val;
int max_area = 0;
int area = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < matrix.size())
// If this bar is higher than the bar on top stack,
// push it to stack
if (result.empty() || row[result.top()] <= row[i])
// If this bar is lower than top of stack, then
// calculate area of rectangle with stack top as
// the smallest (or minimum height) bar. 'i' is
// 'right index' for the top and element before
// top in stack is 'left index'
top_val = row[result.top()];
area = top_val * i;
if (!result.empty())
area = top_val * (i - result.top() - 1);
max_area = max(area, max_area);
// Now pop the remaining bars from stack and calculate area
// with every popped bar as the smallest bar
while (!result.empty())
top_val = row[result.top()];
area = top_val * i;
if (!result.empty())
area = top_val * (i - result.top() - 1);
max_area = max(area, max_area);
return max_area;
vector<vector<int>> generateMatrix()
vector<vector<int>> vec;
vector<int> v0 = vector<int>(4, 0);
vector<int> v1 = vector<int>(4, 0);
vector<int> v2 = vector<int>(4, 0);
vector<int> v3 = vector<int>(4, 0);
v0[0] = 1;
v1[0] = 1; v1[2] = 1; v1[3] = 1;
v2[0] = 1; v2[2] = 1; v2[3] = 1;
v3[1] = 1;
return vec;
int getMaxRect(vector<vector<int>> matrix)
// Calculate area for first row and initialize it as
// result
int result = getMaxArea(matrix, 0);
// iterate over row to find maximum rectangular area
// considering each row as histogram
for (int i = 1; i < matrix.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < matrix[i].size(); j++)
if (matrix[i][j])
matrix[i][j] += matrix[i - 1][j];
result = max(result, getMaxArea(matrix, i));
return result;
int main()
vector<vector<int>> vec = generateMatrix();
auto result = getMaxRect(vec);
cout << result << endl;
return 0;